Set up your own Garage Sale
Posted by Francis Isberto | Labels: Home Business | Posted On Friday, January 22, 2010 at 5:07 AM

Garage Sale are becoming popular nowadays. Before the purpose of a Garage sale is to dispose your old and unwanted stuff to the nearby houses or within your community/village. They usually do this once a year when home-owners clean up their house and notice that they have lot of old piles of things that they don't use anymore.
That is why Garage sale was invented to dispose their unwanted things.
Now it's different especially here in the Philippines. They make Garage sale into a business. And they do it every week. They just don't sell their personal stuff they buy from "ukay-ukay" or divisoria and they sell it with a profit margin.
In the States they sell their old furnitures, equipments, and clothes. But here everything is edible and for sale.
There are a lot of things that you can buy from a Garage sale here in our country. There's clothes (both old and new), shoes, slippers, sandals, jeans, shorts, jackets, hats, caps, jewelries (the not so expensive ones), wrist-watch, beads, and sunglasses.
There are electrical equipments too. There's cellphone, i-Pods, digital camera, TV (usually the 21" inch), microwave, stove, oven, electric fans, aircon, stereo, playstation, PSP, X-box, computer monitors, laptops, desktop, washing machine and even freezer.
Sometimes you could see a good quality mountain bike or a scooter that you can still use. And sometimes you get the chance to buy an old antique furniture (this very rare).
There are also old books and magazines, and even dog cages. You will be surprise but sometimes they include their dogs with the dog cages that they sell (just hope it's not an adult Rottweiler).
The trick here is to go to high-end villages and know when do they held their Garage sale. If you got a friend or relative who lives in a high-end villages contact them immediately and tell them to call you if there is a Garage sale coming up.
You can get the chance to buy a 2nd hand 52" inch flat screen TV at only Php 15k (I'm not kidding). Or avail a kitchen showcase at a minimal price where you can use the equipments to put up your own bakery (they sell good baking equipments).
Clothes they sell are relatively new (2 months used) and are branded. Either you use it or sell it again at a minimal margin.
Aside from high-end villages you can comb divisoria, quiapo, or tutuban. Buy things that you think your community will need. Normally it's clothes, sandals, toys and home equipments that are popular. Don't increase your selling price. Set a price that is enough for you to have a profit. Remember, you are not in a mall, there's no rent. Therefore there's very minimal expense on your Garage sale venture.
Set up an inventory and let your maid help you with guarding your stocks when there are customers. Theft is common in Garage sale and you need to be sharp on looking at shop-lifters.
Week-ends is the best time for you to open your Garage sale since most people are free from their weekly jobs and students don't have schools.
Just don't forget to inform your community about your Garage sale. Send out flyers and give it door to door. Post an advertisement on the village association bulletin board. You can also give flyers to people who goes to Church to hear mass.
Garage sale is not only to dispose your unwanted stuff. Nor it is not just a sideline money making one-time scheme. You can really make it a regular business. If you know the ins and outs you will earn good profit from it.
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