Posted by Francis Isberto | Labels: Construction | Posted On Sunday, November 22, 2009 at 7:32 PM

Everybody's dream is to have a House and Lot. To those who have already they still want to have another one for additional revenue by leasing the property. Problem is it is to costly to build a home which is the main reason why Filipinos are hesitant on indulging to Real Estate investment.
Vazbuilt has come to solve that. Vazquez Building Systems Corporation (VAZBUILT)
was incorporated in February 1991 primarily to engage in the supply and construction of houses and other forms of structures using its own patented building systems known as the VAZBUILT Building Technology. VAZBUILT has pioneered the prefab building technology in the country more particularly the "Modular Housing", a highly engineered method of producing buildings for residential and commercial purposes.
Another innovation of VAZBUILT Building Technology is its application as a total fencing solution. In 1997, VAZCRETE Prefab Fences was launched in the market to provide affordable yet stylish fences to cater subdivisions, industrial estates, highways, residential and commercial establishments and even building partitions. One of their finished product is the SCTEX (Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway). The fences which surrounds the roads are made from Vazbuilt.
The VAZBUILT Building Technology was invented by Mr. Edgardo G. Vazquez, President & CEO of VAZBUILT. This invention garnered a lot of recognition and awards from various sectors both locally and abroad. In 1993, Mr. Vazquez was awarded the Golden Medal Award as Most Outstanding Inventor of the year in the Creative Research Category by the Filipino Inventors Society. In 1995, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) based in Geneva Awarded him Best Invention of the Year for his modular housing system.

VAZBUILT manufactures pre-fabricated reinforced concrete columns, wall panels, tie beams, (at 2,500 to 3,500 psi), which are eventually assembled into modular housing units.
The VAZBUILT system is practical and cost-effective. It does not require special skills or heavy equipment, which allows for easy assembling and dismantling of components for expansion and home improvements. Due to the simple construction requirement, a VAZBUILT house takes less time to build with lesser workforce.
As a Contractor, it has earned a Triple "A" accreditation - the highest accorded by the Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB). Likewise, the VAZBUILT system is accredited by the Accreditation of Innovative Technologies for Housing (AITECH) from the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC) of the Philippines.
VAZBUILT tiny homes ranges from 215sq.ft., 322sq.ft., 387sq.ft., and expandable to fit your needs and budget. VAZBUILT can accommodate and adjust to a whole line of needs from home office to vacation homes or full-time residences.Here are the advantages of Vazbuilt:
If you want to indulge to Real Estate business, Vazbuilt will show you the way. Here are the five business opportunities you can choose:
1. For contractors – Vazbuilt is looking for OFWs with experience to build houses or supervise construction, who will be trained (two to three weeks and sent for site visits in the different Vazbuilt or its partner plants) on the Vazbuilt prefab technology so they will be sent by Vazbuilt to clients who want their homes build using Vazbuilt’s labor or contract pool.
2. Sales people (part time or full time) – Vazbuilt is looking for sales people, whether part time or full time and those who will refer clients to the company for a commission/fee so that they can augment their current incomes.
3. Hardware Store – Vazbuilt is looking for entrepinoys who have existing hardware stores to sell the Vazbuilt lines to augment the distribution of the company products.
4. Licensed architects – Vazbuilt is looking for licensed architects that can present the company with proposed designs using Vazbuilt materials and these designs will be kept in the company’s catalog that clients will refer to and when the individual architect’s design is chosen, the architect will be given a royalty for every order of his design.
5. Partnership – Vazbuilt is willing to get into partnership for those wanting to manufacture its technology in their respective areas, preferably in Visayas and Mindanao, so that more Filipinos can benefit from the Vazbuilt technology. The company will give the partner a license to manufacture Vazbuild products.
The Real Estate business is booming again. Thanks to remittances of our dear OFW and the investments of foreign investors, without that Real Estate will be in dismay. Vazbuilt surely help the Real Estate industry by making the projects cost-effective and change the outlook by promoting Modular Housing.
Tel Nos: 412-3294/371-2345/393-1901
Cell No: 0917-8444524
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