Sarah Geronimo; best endorser
Posted by Francis Isberto | Labels: Showbusiness | Posted On Friday, November 6, 2009 at 1:59 AM

Unica Hija, Belo Essentials, Jollibee, Bench, Sunsilk, Hapee Toothpaste, Globe... This is just a few of Sarah Geronimo's commercial endorsements. Why are these top and successful companies, who are known to the public, needs a celebrity like Sarah to promote their products? I have two words for you.... More Sales!
Sarah Geronimo is the hottest endorser in the country today. Her success from her music, albums, concerts, TV shows, and movies made the companies craving for her services. Sarah is such a hot commodity that you can see her everywhere (billboards, magazines, etc).
It's becoming a trend now when it comes to endorsement. Before companies would go for hot celebrities like Sharon Cuneta and Kris Aquino. They even grab boxing champ Manny Pacquiao. Companies nowadays goes to the hottest celebrity and pays them a fortune to get their services. Is it worth it? The answer is astounding Yes. You will be surprise to why is this trend so effective.
For one, let's look at Sarah Geronimo. Guess how much fans and followers does she have? a hundred? a thousand? Sarah's fame generated more than a million fans. Tendency is these followers will folllow or buy what Sarah Geronimo is endorsing. Why? Because they idolize her, they trust her, she is a role model for the youth. They are like copy cats and will emulate what their idol is using.
Sarah Geronimo captured her fans and followers from almost every department. She have a lot of followers from the music industry (sold out concerts and top recording albums). Sarah also has a lot of fans from the TV and Movie industry (box-office hits). She has multiple streams of fans and followers everywhere.
It's so simple, why would companies go for an endorser who is not hot and famous. How many followers do you think do they have? Not much. That is not good enough to companies. They want a stud, a top-gun, an ace, the best of the best. It doesn't matter if they pay a huge amount of money as long as they will generate huge sales from their hot endorser.
So how much would it cost to get Sarah Geronimo to promote my business? Php 5-6 million. What? Correct me if I'm wrong but that' s what Sarah received as talent fee for the Tesda commercial.
Personally, Sarah Geronimo is worth every cent even at a steep price of Php 5-6 million. Her fame, status, and personality will not only boost your business sales but you business will be known through out the country.
If only I have that kind amount of money, my business sales will definitely hit the roof!
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